I’m Kensley, the owner, operator, and “do-er” of all things All Bronzed Up. This is my eleventh year as a spray tan artist and my seventh year owning All Bronzed Up. I am a Master certified spray tan artist, with two additional certifications in body contouring.
I founded All Bronzed Up with the vision of women coming to a place where they could truly let their guard down, leave all their insecurities at the door, and be exactly who God made them to be. I know that getting a spray tan is a totally intimidating process , but you will quickly learn that I am going to be more than just your spray tan girl- I’m going to be your hype girl, your unlicensed therapist, but most importantly, your friend. I truly believe that all women deserve someone in their corner that is hyping them up and helping them through real life situations. When you’re here, it is so much more than just a spray tan. I truly believe that you are beautiful, powerful, and worthy of all the things.
Aside from running All Bronzed Up, I am a cat mom to twelve (yes, you read that right) precious kitties, a teacher, and a lover of all things Disney World. If you have come in and told me you were headed to Disney, there’s a 99% chance that I talked your ears off, and we ran over your appointment time by about 10 minutes.
Regardless if you are brand new to spray tanning, looking for a new spray tanning home, or a current bronzed babe, I appreciate you taking the time to learn more about me and the All Bronzed Up movement. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions at all. I absolutely cannot wait to meet you and hope to make all of your tanning dreams come true!